Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch COVID-19 Operating Procedures
Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch seeks to maintain the health and safety of all those who visit the property. In order to support programming amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, OTR has implemented policies and procedures as outlined below to protect our participants, staff, volunteers, and family. OTR is following state and local guidelines, CDC and PATH, Intl. guidelines, as well as recommendations by local public and health officials.
To ensure the safety of all visitors to the barn, OTR has implemented the following safeguards and protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19 at our facility:
General Precautions and Best Practices:
● Do not come to the barn if you think you may have been exposed to someone who has tested positive, have been exposed to someone who has symptoms of COVID-19, or are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below in the “Daily Health Screening” section.
● Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.
● Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
● Frequently use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, and wash after touching your face.
● Cover all coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow. Wash hands after.
● Wear a mask.
● Avoid contact with those who are sick.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing any of the below symptoms, please test for COVID-19 BEFORE coming to the facility. If you do test positive for COVID-10, please DO NOT come to the OTR facility until you are no longer sick. All will also be asked if they have the following symptoms:
● Headache
● Sore Throat
● Fever
● Cough
● Shortness of Breath
● Body Aches
● Ear Aches
● Diarrhea
● Fatigue
● Vomiting
● Abdominal Pain
● Recent Inability to Smell or Taste
● Has been exposed to someone with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 2 weeks
If you have tested positive for COVID-19:
- Isolate at home, do not come to your session.
- Stay at home for at least 5 days and isolate from others.
- Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others at home and in public.
- Do not go places where you are unable to wear a mask.
- Do not travel.
- Stay home and separate from others as much as possible.
- Use a separate bathroom, if possible.
- Take steps to improve ventilation at home, if possible.
- Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils.
- Monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning sign (like trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately.
When to end isolation:
- No matter when you end isolation, you must wear a mask through day 11 after symptoms show up.
- If you have no symptoms, you may end isolation after 5 days.
- If you have symptoms but they are improving and you have not had a fever in 24 hours with no fever reducing medication you can end isolation after 5 days.
- If your symptoms are not improving you must isolate until they improve and you are fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medication.
- If you experienced either moderate symptoms (shortness of breath or had difficulty breathing) or severe symptoms (hospitalization) you must isolate through day 10.
Confirmed Case of COVID-19 on the OTR Property:
● If any person tests positive for COVID-19 and has been on site within the past 14 days or has interacted with someone within 14 days of testing positive, then that individual must inform OTR as soon as possible. OTR will determine next steps based on current CDC guidelines.
● Any person who is found to have interacted with a confirmed COVID-19 positive person while at OTR will be notified by OTR staff while adhering to HIPPA Privacy guidelines.
● Individuals who test positive will be able to return to the facility 10 days after the positive COVID-19 test if all symptoms have resolved, including no fever for 48 hours.
● Individuals who have a documented exposure to a positive COVID-19 case will be allowed to return to the facility 14 days after exposure if no symptoms present.

The safety, health, and well-being of our clients, their families, our staff and volunteers is of utmost importance. The above rules, procedures and protocols reflect our commitment and dedication to the safety of our community.
Thank you for helping us to safely continue to provide our vital services and carry out our mission!
For more information on COVID-19 please visit